These instructions will walk you through correctly setting up your email signature on both Gmail and Outlook.
To get started, head to "" and ensure you are logged into your work Google account.
In the top right-hand corner of the window, click Settings > See all settings.
In Settings, scroll down to Signature: and click Create new. In the Name new signature window that opens, choose a name for your signature and click Create.
This name is for your own reference only, so call it whatever you like!
In the text box that opens next to your newly named signature, (in my case "CST Signature"), please use the following structure:
Using the default font, in bold enter your full name. On the following line in standard formatting, enter your job title.
Please keep your job title as concise as possible.
Under Signature defaults, ensure both FOR NEW EMAILS USE and ON REPLY/FORWARD USE have your new signature selected.
Your school's logo, address and phone number are automatically inserted below your signature after sending an email. Please do not include any other information in your signature.
Finally, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save Changes.
To get started, head to the Outlook app on your device.
In the top left-hand corner of the window, click File followed by Options in the bottom left.
In the Outlook Options window, click Mail > Signatures...
1. In the Signatures and Stationery window, click New. In the New Signature window, choose a name for your signature and click OK.
This name is for your own reference only, so call it whatever you like!
2. In the Edit signature textbox, using the default font, in bold enter your full name. On the following line in standard formatting, enter your job title.
Please keep your job title as concise as possible.
3. Click Save.
Your school's logo, address and phone number are automatically inserted below your signature after sending an email. Please do not include any other information in your signature.
4. Under Choose default signature, ensure your signature, (in this example "CST Signature"), is selected for both New messages and Replies/forwards.
5. Finally, click OK.